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My Cedar comes from 2 cedar trees that were growing into the gutters of my house and had to be removed. I rarely chop down trees, but these 2 had to go, and so I have repurposed those beautiful trees into items of healing and cleansing. 


Cedar has been used in cleansing rituals throughout history to cleanse negative energy, banish fear and bring in good influences. It's Latin name is arbor vitae - "Tree of Life". 


Cedar Burning Sticks

- I have hand carved these smoke cleansing wands. Use them by lighting the end on fire and blowing it out and using the smoke in your rituals. ​


Raw Cedar Wands

​- Cut from the branches of the cedar tree, these wands still have their bark on them and can be used to carve sigils on, or burn in rituals. 


Raw Cedar Bundles

​- These bundles of smaller cedar sticks or twigs are wonderful alter items that can be used in rituals, spells, ground up for homemade incense, etc. â€‹

We ARE Goddesses

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