I am here to help light workers, goddesses, wiccans & witches -> all women who are working towards or have started their own work and offerings.
Intuitive Tarot Readings
Helping guides, entities, souls, the universe, mother earth, the stars and the moon offer guidance, insight, and interpretation to those open to hearing their whispers and receiving their downloads.
Intuitive Art
Intuitive readings in the form of a unique piece of art.
Intuitive Sketches
Intuitive Name Page
Intuitive Light Language
I work with mother earth and the herbs themselves to create prepared herbs for spells and smudge sticks for ceremonies and alters.
My moon magic kits are to help you connect with the moon and start building your own practice and ceremonies.
I will be building and offering a variety of events to help build and strengthen our connection to mother earth and the moon.
I will also be hosting sabbat celebrations by donation at my acreage.
Energy Readings & Healings
Lets sit in circle together to ground and connect with your guides to receive any messages or healings available.
SOUL BUSINESS 1:1 Mentorships
Just as every soul is different every souls work, journey, and business are different. These mentorships are tailored to you, your soul, your journey, your work. ​