Spell Ingredients
​I grow the herbs and flowers on my acreage and when they are ready to be harvested I preform a ceremony to thank Mother Earth for her gifts and give back either seeds or tobacco.
List of loose herbs I have available:
Thyme, Garden Sage, White Prairie Sage, Rosemary, Ginger Mint, Lemon Balm, Yarrow, Catnip, Clover, Alfalfa, Blue Spruce Needles, Pine Needles, Silver Willow Leaves, and Lavender.
List of flower petals I have available:
Calendula, Dandelion, Harebells, Lilac, Dahlia, Rose, Geranium, Pansy, Peony, Chive flowers.
Witches Black Salt
To be used in spells to bring in Protection & Purification.
Amplifies banishments, Reversals, & Bindings.
Created with charcoal made from cuttings and left over bits of the herb plants while creating my herb bundles.
Cleansed and charged white salt and kosher sea salt.
Egg shells from the three free-range chickens.

If you are interested in purchasing some loose herbs and flower petals, please contact me as my stock is ever changing.